Linux Service Installation

systemd (Fedora, Debian, SLES12)

Presently, linux flavors are trending away from differing daemon launching and into a unified service model.
Fedora and SuSE Enterprise Linux Server 12 use systemd and with that commands to start/stop services are the same as on debian but there are differences on the configuration files.
From the command prompt sudo gedit
Copy and Paste

Description=FSoft Server Service
ExecStart=/home/fsoft/fsoftws/fsoftserver -r

Edit the following values
Description – Long Description of your service application
ExecStart – complete-path_and_file_name is the name of your compiled service application with its complete path
Save As Dialog
Navigate to /lib/systemd/system/
Name the file the name_of_your_service.service

It sounds like you’re looking for:

systemctl enable fsoftserver.service

It doesn’t sound like you have whatever service it is permanently disabled, but if it was, you would do:

systemctl unmask fsoftserver.service
systemctl disable fsoftserver.service


as well to re-enable being able to start the service.

All About Linux

Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 14.04
– change root password:

# passwd

– update repository:

# sudo apt-get update


Ubuntu 16.04 add user
Steps to Create a New Sudo User
Log in to your server as the root user. Continue reading

Compile Lazarus on ubuntu

Ngalor ngidul untuk problem solving compile lazarus (subversion) pake FPC 3.1.1 di ubuntu, akhirnya nemu titik terang… Langsung aja lah ya:

  • Download FPC Compiler (kita menggunakan ver 3.0.2) disini
  • Extract FPC compiler ke folder Documents
  • Install FPC dengan perintah:
$ cd ~/Documents/fpc-3.0.2.x86_64-linux
$ sudo ./

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Adding Firebird user accounts

Firebird allows the creation of many different user accounts. Each of them can own databases and also have various types of access to databases and database objects it doesn’t own.

Using gsec, you can add a user account as follows from the command line in the Firebird bin subdirectory:

gsec -user sysdba -pass masterkey -add fsoft -pw p@ssw0rd

Provided that you’ve supplied the correct password for SYSDBA, a user account called fsoft will now have been created with password p@ssw0rd. Remember that passwords are case-sensitive.

Permission denied error creating firebird embedded database in OSX

Kemaren ada masalah dengan permission firebird di OSX…

Setelah browsing2 dapat spt ini:

The embedded library under OSX is the same as what would be called the exe in windows. In the /Library/Framworks/Firebird.framework folder is an executable just called “Firebird”. The key text I did not understand is this “renamed the Firebird file to libfbembed.dylib”. My windows experience was tripping me up because in windows you would never rename an .exe to a .dll. I dont know if its possible in windows but I’ve never herd of it.

There was a couple more trivial things I needed to do so here is the full instructions.

1) Link the “Firebird” {executable} to /usr/local/lib/libgds.dylib

ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Firebird /usr/local/lib/libgds.dylib

2) Link the firebird.msg file so that it appears in the /usr/local/lib folder

ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/var/firebird.msg /usr/local/lib/firebird.msg

3) Copy the “security2.fdb” to the /usr/local/lib folder and change its permissions to give write access. It does not work to make a link to this file.

cp /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/var/security2.fdb /usr/local/lib
chmod 777 /usr/local/lib/security2.fdb

Selamat mencoba…

Get Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin working on OSX 10.11 El Capitan

With Apples’ new OSX 10.11 El Capitan now in public here is how to get the AMP stack up and running on the new OSX. This tutorial will go through the process on getting Apache, MySQL, PHP (or otherwise known as the ‘AMP’ stack) and phpMyAdmin running on the new El Capitan OS.

This tutorial sets up the AMP stack in more of a traditional way using the loaded Apache and PHP and downloading MySQL and phpMyAdmin – this has been updated to reflect 10.11.1 and a new MySQL installation.

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Getting Started with Swift on Linux

Getting Started With Swift On Linux

When I wrote my first line of Swift code I immediately had visions of being able to use this beautiful programming language for more than just iOS and OSX apps. Yesterday, Apple officially made Swift open source and my dreams came true. This blog post will help you quickly get started writing your first application using the open source version of Swift on Linux.

Here We Go!
The Linux implementation of Swift currently only runs on Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 15.10. For our application, I’ll be using Ubuntu 14.04.3. If you don’t have an Ubuntu server sitting around you can always spin one up on your hosting provider of choice (Looking for one? Check out DigitalOcean or Linode). The Swift GitHub page shows you how to build Swift manually but you may want to start writing code without having to wrestle with Linux. Fortunately Apple provides snapshots that you can download and get running with a quickness.

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Great Moments (Shalat Sunnah Rawaatib)

1. Shalat rawatib 12 roka’at karena Allah akan berhadiah sebuah istana di surga

Ummi Habibah rodhiyallahu ‘anha pernah mendengar Rasulullah bersabda :
Allah SWT pasti membangun sebuah istana di surga bagi orang yang shalat sunnah tulus karena Allah-sebanyak dua belas rakaat setiap hari.

(HR. Muslim).

At-Tirmidzi menambahkan redaksi, Empat rakaat sebelum Dzuhur, dua rakaat setelahnya, dua rakaat setelah Maghrib, dua rakaat setelah Isya dan dua rakaat sebelum Shubuh.


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Great Moments (Shalat Berjamaah)

1. Ganjarannya 25 kali lipat lebih banyak

Dari Ibnu Umar rodhiyallahu ‘anhuma, beliau berkata bahwa Rasulullah bersabda :

Shalat berjamaah itu pahalanya dua puluh tujuh kali lebih baik dari pada shalat sendirian.

(HR. Bukhari, Muslim, Baihaqi dan Ibnu Hibban)

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Great Moments (Shalat On Time)

1. Shalat di awal waktu adalah amal yang paling utama

Dari Ibnu Mas’ud rodhiiyallahu ‘anhu, beliau berkata, Rasulullah bersabda :

Sebaik-baik amal adalah shalat di awal waktu.
(HR. Tirmidzi dan Hakim)

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